Auser utilizes LAPP Automaatio's domestic expertise in industrial temperature measurements

Founded in 1993, Auser, based in Kotka, has been collaborating with LAPP Automaatio practically from the beginning. Specializing as experts in industrial electrical, pneumatic, and automation equipment, Auser excels particularly in temperature measurement and related components, which it sources from LAPP Automaatio.
Auser serves all industrial sectors and operates nationwide, although as a company from Kymenlaakso, it has stronger experience in instrumentation for the pulp & paper industry.
"Historical reasons have steered our operations. In Kymenlaakso, the paper industry has been our largest customer base. Now, the future in that sector doesn't look good, so we have sought new customers to replace declining client relationships. We can leverage our expertise for other industrial sectors," says Kai Mussalo of Auser.
Even in long-term partnerships, personnel changes occur from time to time, requiring considerations in knowledge transfer.
"People change involuntarily at times due to aging. When my predecessor retired, I inherited many customers using LAPP Automaatio’s products. I was already familiar with their temperature measurement products from my previous job, so I could trust them easily," Mussalo notes.
"We have had a long partnership with Auser and long personal relationships. We have successfully transferred knowledge to Auser's staff as innovations have emerged. This is genuinely a deep partnership, ensuring that the end customer can be confident they are getting the right equipment," says Martti Peitsara, Business Development Manager at LAPP Automaatio.
Peitsara has learned to trust Auser's expertise, particularly evident in products tailored for special conditions.
"They stand out from their competitors with their accumulated expertise and experience in various industrial sectors' needs and processes. Their roots run deep in the industry. They can define device specifications independently," Peitsara remarks.
The importance of domesticity
According to Mussalo, the domesticity of LAPP Automaatio significantly facilitates cooperation.
"Having discussions in Finnish makes life much easier. We speak roughly the same language, even though I'm from Kymenlaakso," Mussalo remarks.
The location of the production line in Finland has been an eye-opener. Mussalo has visited customers to observe firsthand how temperature sensors are manufactured.
"It has helped to understand why LAPP Automaatio's sensors are not cheap products. Time and expertise have been invested in their design and manufacture. The operating conditions for temperature sensors and related components are tough; cheap devices wouldn't last there," Mussalo says.
"In essence, our customers don't demand to see the manufacturing process, but it is technically interesting for many to know how products are produced. It also provides a change from office conditions," Mussalo adds.
Collaborative product development for the benefit of customers
Auser's clientele operates across various industrial sectors, often exposing sensors to extremely harsh conditions. Sometimes, the conditions are so severe that a perfect solution is not readily available, and in such cases, Auser supports LAPP Automaatio's experts in product development.
"Whether it's in wood processing or oil refining, the conditions are slightly different compared to temperature measurement, for example, with an outdoor gauge. Sometimes we must figure out what kind of product could withstand those conditions, and sometimes such a product hasn't even been invented yet," Mussalo says.
Peitsara shares a concrete example of collaborative product development that highlights how effective collaboration works both ways.
"Auser has developed a stainless-steel mounting bracket for our supplier Werma's combination alarm, which allows it to be attached practically anywhere and is easy to install. It's their own product development for an existing product. Now we purchase the mounting bracket from them," Peitsara says.
Both Mussalo and Peitsara contemplate whether the collaboration could be expanded further.
"Hopefully, our collaboration will expand in the future. So far, we have mainly supplied components for temperature measurement. There is potential in our product range for much more," Peitsara estimates.