Cooling neck and connection head

Cooling neck and connection head for welded thermowells

If the process already has a welded thermowell, a suitable cooling neck and connection head can be purchased as a separate component. Cooling necks have outer threads which can be applied to D-wells:
  • M14×1,5 for D1S and D4S
  • M18×1,5 for D1, D4 and D5.
Cooling necks and connection heads, as components (without wells, without sensing elements):
Product nunberTypeFor well types
915312H-12-D/H-165/M18X1,5 D1, D4 and D5
915313H-12-D/H-165/M14X1,5 D1S and D4S
A cooling neck, and connection head equipped with a sensing element - without a welded thermowell - is presented on datasheet 5.
A cooling neck, and connection head equipped with a sensing element and with a welded well is presented on datasheet 4.